
Travelxp Hosts Crazy Life

Travel is uniquely transformative; it builds bridges between people, allowing us to experience life in new ways we never thought possible. So, it falls on those intrepid enough, like the hosts from Travelxp and their explorers, to go out, see for themselves this diversity firsthand in scenery with traditions as old as Methuselah, and then bring the essence of these destinations back into our homes. Their escapades not only relieve their wanderlust but also motivate numerous individuals to journey, discover the globe, and take in every wonder that exists beyond fads.  

With love from Mauritius, Krissann and Nathan  

They don't get to spend a lot of time together doing things they love because they are a working couple. Krissann and Nathan's journey through Mauritius serves as a poignant example of how travel can rejuvenate relationships and create lasting memories. Their day-to-day lives often leave little room for shared adventures and quality time. The relaxed atmosphere of their vacation in Mauritius also encourages the sharing of nostalgic stories, allowing them to reflect on their journey as a couple and reinforce their bond through shared memories. They have taken long walks and befriended tortoises in the beautiful waters. It was a fun and inspiring opportunity for them.  

Costa Rica  

Hostess Genevieve Sexton has had a taste for new adventures from the very beginning. After taking a break from her city life in California, she jumped on her first trip abroad with TravelXP. Exploring rainforests and ziplining there to see wildlife and birds from an all-rising angle. The beautiful blue and white coasts were just enough reason for her to have a go at something new and learn to surf because that's where you swim in Costa Rica.  

And like all trips opening pathways to new experiences, her love for coffee was multiplied. The wide and large plantation of coffee was exciting, and one of those is one of her favorites.  

The hosts of travel not only get to explore new places with us, but it also opens new doors for them. Shooting longer hours, working with new people, and becoming familiar with new cultures is a win.  

As a travel content channel that has shot in several countries with multiple hosts, it inspires more people to hop on this journey.